Call us today at (508) 254-3411

Cockroach Control

A pest control company you can rely on.


We conduct a free, zero obligation home inspection. We will identify the source of your pest problem.


We put together a plan that best fits your home in order to eliminate and protect against pests.


We eliminate your pest problem. Then, our exclussion work and monitoring system prevents them from returning inside your home.

What we Do

Cockroach Control in Massachusetts

How To Identify A Cockroach Infestation

Cockroaches are the most frequently present household pest. In North America, both American and German cockroaches are very common. American cockroaches are sometimes referred to as “palmetto bugs.” Cockroaches are sometimes mistakenly referred to as “water bugs,” which is a distinct species from roaches.

American cockroaches are the larger cockroach, growing up to 3 inches long, with a yellow-brown halo behind the head. Smoky brown roaches are slightly smaller but all solid greasy black colored.. German cockroaches tend to be about a half an inch long (as small as the tip of your thumb) with a tan, shiny-rounded back. German cockroaches have two black stripes on their body just behind their heads.

Before seeing a cockroach first hand, you may notice what looks like coffee grounds or sprinkled pepper in areas prone to cockroaches. If you haven’t made coffee or seasoned some food, these may be cockroach droppings, which normally a sure sign of a cockroach infestation. Roaches in large groups let off a chemical that encourages them to stay together. This smell is often described as a musty, stale, or moldy scent. Cockroaches tend to move and feed in the dark. Once you see a cockroach during the day, it is likely that the cockroach problem is severe.

Why You Might Have Cockroaches

Cockroaches come into your home seeking food and water. They tend to hide behind appliances, in damp basements, or far corners of your cabinets. Cockroaches are notorious for squeezing into the walls of apartments and homes because they stay relatively undisturbed there. They will often come into a house through the garage or ground level windows.

Reasons To Treat Your Cockroach Problem Immediately

Cockroach control is important. Aside from the fact that cockroaches reproduce at an extremely fast rate, they also can trigger allergies and spread bacteria and diseases such as E.coli and dysentery, often which result in diarrhea. Being near them puts you, your family, and your pets at risk. Early detection and intervention will eliminate the chance for cockroaches to reproduce and move to new locations within your residence. You need a company that can kill cockroaches and get rid of them.


Contact or Call us today at (508) 254-3411.

Cockroach Control in Massachusetts

Specialized Programs

Mouse Program

Effective rodent management relies on the ability to identify signs of an infestation, interpret site-specific rodent activity and overcome the cryptic, exploratory and opportunistic behaviors of rodents.

Ant Program

Getting rid of carpenter ants ensures that your home will stay safe from their burrows. Professional carpenter ant control is the most effective way to kill carpenter ants and stop their colonization in its tracks.

Bee Program

When using any method of bee control it is necessary to know effective application strategies as well as the limitations and dangers associated with each method.

Our Guarantee

Sutton Hill Services guarantees its treatment plan. If for whatever reason you have any new pest problems or other covered pests, we will treat at your convenience and at no additional cost to you.

The barriers we put in place to protect your home and family against pests will naturally break down over time. This is why over the course of the year we will regularly reapply treatments as well as re-inspect for new conditions, avenues and sources of pests to ensure your home is protected.

 Your home is your largest investment. Let Sutton Hill Services protect it against pests!


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